Our Lady of the Southern Cross College is now open for Enrolments for 2023/2024 and beyond for students of all ages who are looking for an opportunity to learn in a nurturing Catholic environment with experienced, quality teaching staff and excellent extra-curricular activities. We offer
- An integrated Prep to Year 12 education which is inclusive and outreaching for any student wishing to apply
- Holistic approach to education providing support and guidance for every child in their journey in faith and knowledge
- School buddy programs encouraging bridging across Early, Middle and Senior years
- College Counsellor
- Student Services professionals who can address all aspects of Learning Support
- Science Department offering innovative courses with highly qualified staff
- Modern Industrial Design and Technology Department
- Music, Art and Drama department staffed with specialised teachers
- Award winning Library
- Full time Careers Development Practitioner offering School Based Apprenticeships and Certificates II and III in a wide variety of professions
- Year 10 Work Experience Program
- Sporting opportunities with accredited coaches
- Tuckshop available 3 days a week

An Online Enrolment Application form and comprehensive list of all documentation required is available via the 'Enrol Now' tab. We look forward to meeting you and guiding you through the enrolment process.